The Breeze of Tai Chi

There was a soft breeze moving through our legs in class yesterday.  It was like the trees standing tall, but near the bole you could feel the air move, cooler in the shade of the tree, warmer where the sun shone.  This balance made the air and energy move creating a natural breeze.

We felt it between our legs, guiding us forward and strengthening each step and movement.  The Bow and Arrow Stance has rounded knees, never locked out.  That roundness is like a sail, open to the following wind of Chi, the breeze that makes it easy and natural.

The whole body is a sail.  It fills with energy.  Only by being rounded can you capture the most of this natural flow, often seen as a gentle swaying in the wind; more often felt, like a cooling of the sweat on your brow.

Chi, the energy of the universe, taken in through breath and movement in the natural aspects of the earth, can fill and animate your sail.  Round off the edges and the flow will be smooth.  Moving with stiff legs and tense shoulders, the energy will whistle around you like a cracked window that is not open enough to allow the full flow.

Heaven forbid it catches you like an unsecure door, slammed by the strength of the wind, not ready for that jarring disturbance.  

Instead, flow, like beautiful long hair.  You can imagine her by the shore, overlooking the water, the onshore breeze clears the pretty face and the hair comfortable floats in the air behind. 

a curtain, gently billowing in front of an open window

the oversized flag, on the right day, that holds open, flutters, when the wind is strong enough to support such a great canvas.

Open your sail, cool your brow, feel the Chi flow through your stance as though you were standing in a slow moving river.  It is always around you.  Try Tai Chi practices and make it more often noticed!