The Three Seasons

For now, we can have all three of these phases in one day, so take it all in; the reason that you live, here!

wheat field, cloud covered mountains and ominous clouds
Three seasons, Sun, harvest and ominous clouds

The challenge of facing the three seasons in our mountainous state is that you can move through all three in one day. Surely you have seen the skies crystal clear with an ominous gray approaching.

The lower level of the sun plays the shadows long and the colors are stronger. The blue sky turns black. The wind and rain push through. When the skies clear again the hills are covered in white.

It is late summer, gone are the days of sunburn and shade seeking. We have absorbed the Vitamin D and enjoyed the fresh berries. It should be a time of balance, having enjoyed the long days, knowing the long nights are growing.

The dark clouds are Fall, a decline in light and warmth.

Thank goodness for the harvest and all the food and energy we have absorbed and managed to preserve. Carry that strength as the earth cools and folds back into itself.

The rototiller turned it under last weekend, just in time for… Winter!

No, it is not here yet, but there is snow on the peaks. The declining daylight and temperatures harken the third season.

All in one day.

Stay centered as the sun still has warmth, light and life. Allow the settling in, of your energy, your food stores and carrying an internal warmth.

Prepare for the long nights, knowing that the other end of the third season, the one with light on new fallen snow leads to the return of growth.

For now, we can have all three of these phases in one day, so take it all in; the reason that you live, here! 


cars were used to hold the banks of the river way back then
old retaining wall

today i surrender

because I am having one of those days
I go to mow the lawn and the tractor has a flat tire

speaking of flats,
driving to work and the chime of the dash
wrecked my music with a low pressure indicator.

I turn off the spigot, but the water keeps running
a sneeze with a mouthful of carrots
an extension cord that catches, on everything, including itself

the lid will not come off the jar
I know it is the crystallized sugar, that I could wash off,
but right now, AArgh

or those fine threaded Starbucks coffee bottles
trying, twisting, harder, buckling under the knuckles
and then, either a light twist, or someone else does it effortlessly

I just needed to get the tire repaired
turn the spigot back on, then off again
swallow quickly, then sneeze

or put a wave in the rope of the extension cord
and it all unfurls, magnificently, because i quit fighting

I surrendered.

Journey of a Thousand Apples

It takes a while to pick up a thousand apples.

It must take the tree quite some time to drop them, too; let alone to grow them! The base of the tree slowly fills with the drops. Wind and rain bring them down, sometimes they just plop.

It is the Yin/Yang of my backyard, the apple tree with its laden branches and endless culls.

This is what life does. It brings me apples, in whatever form they may take. Accumulating or dispersing as I watch.

I notice it now, as I cleared the tree this morning. The change from full to empty was obvious. The darker green of the grass had shown little mounds of pale green. There is no red in the apples yet. After picking up all the pale bumps, the dark green fills the space beneath the tree, again just grass, ready for the next drops to empty down from the tree.

I counted my bucket as I filled it. There were over 150 apples that I picked up from the ground in one bucket. Last time I hauled away four buckets. (you do the math) This time, when I approached seven buckets, I knew that I had picked up a thousand apples. What is hard to believe is that there are several thousand more apples still on the tree.

I admire the strength of Nature. Its fullness. Changes flowing, apparent, yet sneaking past. I try “to pay attention to the slightest change from full to empty” (Song of the Thirteen Influences). But it sneaks up and flies past.

It is summer. The garden is full. The Apple tree is full. Having shared this bounty with children at the Do Jang for the last two years, I know there will be mouths and eyes looking for the basket full of apples. They will empty it, then repeat, cycling from full to empty and back.

The Yin/ Yang circle turns! Filling stomachs, hearts, baskets and more, on a journey of a thousand apples!

You Should Do It Everyday

You should do it everyday; or hope you will.

You should plan for a great day; breathe, breathe deep. Stretch, stretch for the heavens! Root, root to the earth. You should experience focus; easy strong attention. Every day, breathe, stretch, root and focus.

How can you not take fifteen minutes for your self, a zen time; do some Qi Gong, go to yoga, kick boxing, do Soo Bahk Do, maybe just lunch with chopstix.

Take a power nap, or a casual jog in the park.

Everyday, cultivate awareness, breathe, hope for more, stretch your horizons. Stay rooted to what is happening, it may require greater focus and a wish for better.

Remember the day started with hope.
You should do it everyday; wish that you had.

Reflect on great additions that you might have made, love all the moments that took your breath away.

Stretch one more time, the length of your body and the breadth of your spirit. Reach into your world, all that you make of it and what it makes of you, feeling rooted therein.

Then focus a wish for the next day, as it becomes your new hope.

Hope everyday and wish for more.

Breathe in the beauty that surrounds you. Stretch your body and mind, yet root and ground yourself. Be focused on what is in front of you, learn from what has come and step towards something new.